Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
HEAL Cities Campaign Supports Healthy Communities
Obesity and related diseases take a dire toll on cities, threatening the health of their most vulnerable populations — including children and youth — while at the same time draining city coffers. California cities participating in the Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Cities Campaign are putting land use, economic development and employee wellness policies in place to change that.

Thursday, December 8, 2011
The Green & Automated City Concept is Boring, Did I say boring?
Can We Make the Cities Any Smarter?
Many of the world’s largest cities from London and New York City to Rio de Janeiro and Abu Dhabi have recently launched ambitious sustainability initiatives structured around various information and communications technologies. In large part, these initiatives will only achieve their policy goals if the various stakeholders involved can figure out how to translate a deluge of data about the use and abuse of energy into cost savings and carbon emissions reductions.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Stop Competing to Be the Best
With Cyber Monday, the tablet wars kicked into full swing. Which one is the best? Is it the iPad? The Kindle? Who has the best technology? The best distribution? Who's the best overall? For most people, "being the best" is what competition is all about.

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Arab Future Cities Summit to be held in Doha Qatar in April 2012
The Arab
Future Cities Summit is an international gathering of city leaders,
Government officials, city developers, academicians and urban service providers
and city development experts to share strategies, insights and best practices to
implement a smart and sustainable future for the cities of tomorrow. It
gives a direction in urban planning and development with an emphasis on
effective utilization of resources.

Spending on Building Energy Efficiency to Boom in Next 5 Years
As we've been saying for many years at, building
energy efficiency may not be sexy, but it is big business. According to a recent report, it's going to get a whole lot bigger.

Energy efficiency, regulations to drive HVAC demand
Demand in the U.S. for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment is projected to increase 5.1 percent annually to $16.8 billion in 2015, according to a study just released by The Freedonia Group, a Cleveland-based market research firm.

A better use for your mobile "Mobile App Could Save Burn Victims' Lives"
From speeding up transportation to improving communication, mobile applications are being used for a lot more than just email and games—but saving lives? Now there’s an application for that, too. A new mobile tool quickly provides critical calculations for the life-saving treatment of burn victims.